Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Movie Review: Hungry for Change

I saw this title and thought - maybe this will give me some information about processed foods and how to make healthier and more informed food choices! And it sort of did, but it was way overdone, too long for its message, and used scare tactics like comparing sugar to heroine and showing how much sugar elementary students consume just from milk. (My issue with the latter is that generally people don't understand or can't comprehend large quantities or how a small quantity over time always becomes a large 'shocking' quantity).

The documentary makes some important points. Ones that stuck out to me include:
1. the food industry doesn't care about your health; it cares about maximizing profits.
2. dieting is generally not done well.
3. diet cola is not a good alternative to non-diet cola.
 I would have preferred reading a more neutral article about this issue than watching people being interviewed about it. (In fact: I'm going to read this article soon and compare it to the movie). The film also fell into the trap of putting 'weight loss' as one of the ultimate pay-offs of eating right. Again...can we not conflate obesity / being overweight to being unhealthy? Isn't health its own reward?

I guess ultimately I prefer the more monotonous, balanced tone of NPR or similar reporting when it comes to nutrition, dieting, and food choices. This documentary didn't do it for me.

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